Monday, December 26, 2016

J14P11 Section B: Depth Studies

Answer any one question from this Section. 


9 Look at the photograph, and then answer the questions which follow

A photograph of a French soldier guarding a train in the Ruhr, 1923.

(a) Describe the political situation in Germany at the end of the First World War. [5] 
(b) Why did the French invade the Ruhr in 1923? [7] 
(c) ‘The Weimar Republic successfully dealt with Germany’s problems between 1922 and 1929.’ How far do you agree with this statement? Explain your answer. [8]

10 Read the extract, and then answer the questions which follow. 

The formation of groupings of young people outside the Hitler Youth has been on the increase to such an extent that there is a serious risk of political, moral and criminal subversion of our youth. From a report by the Hitler Youth leadership, 1942. 

(a) Describe Hitler’s economic policies. [5] 
(b) Why did the Nazis change the school curriculum? [7] 
(c) ‘The Nazi youth policies were successful.’ How far do you agree with this statement? Explain your answer. [8]

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