Monday, December 26, 2016

J15P11 MSQn 11(c) ‘The fear of communism was the main reason for the Nazis coming to power in 1933.’ How far do you agree with this statement? Explain your answer.

Level 5 Explains with evaluation of ‘how far’ [10] 
As Level 4 plus evaluation. 

Level 4 Explanation of both sides [7–9] A L4 answer will have a minimum of three explanations (2 on one side; 1 on the other). This will be worth a mark of 7. Fuller explanation of one issue to be given two marks. An answer which only has one explanation on one side of the argument cannot be awarded more than 8. 

Level 3 One sided explanation OR [4–6] 
One explanation of both sides 5–6 marks More detailed explanation of one issue to be given two marks. e.g. ‘The owners of the big industries were very worried about the communists. They knew that communist policy would mean that their industries would be placed under state control, which they did not want. Hitler promised to combat the threat of communism. The industrialists began to donate large sums of money to the Nazi Party.’ OR e.g. ‘The main reason was the modern and effective methods used by the Nazis in their campaigning. They used posters and pamphlets to get across the Nazi message and they had mobile units to organise speeches in different areas. The Nazi message was taken to all parts of Germany.’ 

Level 2 Identifies AND/OR describes [2–3] 
(One mark for each point) e.g. ‘Powerful industrialists were worried that communists would nationalise their industries.’ ‘The Communist Red Fighting League fought street battles with the police.’ ‘Farmers were worried communists would take over their land.’ ‘The main reason was the Depression.’ ‘Hitler promised the unemployed work.’ ‘The Nazis provided the German people with a scapegoat for their problems.’ ‘Nazi propaganda was important.’ 

Level 1 General answer lacking specific contextual knowledge [1] e.g. ‘The fear of communism was important, but there were many other reasons.’ Level 0 No evidence submitted or response does not address the question [0] 

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