Monday, December 26, 2016

N15P11 MS Qn 6(b) Why did Hitler want to remilitarise the Rhineland?

Level 4 Explains TWO reasons [6] 

 Level 3 Explains ONE reason [4–5] (One mark for an explanation, additional mark for full explanation) e.g. ‘One of Hitler’s foreign policy aims was to pursue an aggressive policy in the east, taking over Poland and the west of the USSR. Germany was vulnerable from the west and so to achieve his aims meant he had to make the Rhineland secure.’ 

 Level 2 Identifies AND/OR describes reasons [2–3] (One mark for each identification/description) e.g. ‘To break the Treaty of Versailles.’ ‘To strengthen Germany’s western frontier.’ ‘To test the desire for war held by the British and the French.’ ‘He knew many people in Britain thought it was ‘his own back yard’.’ ‘It was part of his foreign policy.’ ‘He wanted to test the League.’ / ‘To show that the League did not see his actions as important.’ ‘He wanted to gain the support of the German public.’ 

 Level 1 General answer lacking specific contextual knowledge [1] e.g. ‘To remove reminders from the past.’ Level 0 No evidence submitted or response does not address the question [0]

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