Monday, December 26, 2016

N15P11 MS Qn 6(c) ‘The Nazi-Soviet Pact was more advantageous to Stalin than it was to Hitler.’ How far do you agree with this statement? Explain your answer.

Level 5 Explains with evaluation of ‘how far’ [10] As Level 4 plus evaluation. Level 4 Explanation of both sides [7–9] 

 A L4 answer will have a minimum of three explanations 
(2 on one side; 1 on the other). This will be worth a mark of 7. Fuller explanation of one issue to be given two marks. An answer which only has one explanation on one side of the argument cannot be awarded more than 8. 

 Level 3 One-sided explanation [4–6] OR One explanation of both sides 5–6 marks More detailed explanation of one issue to be given two marks. e.g. ‘Hitler had avoided the immediate possibility of fighting a war on two fronts. He knew he could invade Poland without having to worry about what action the USSR would take.’ OR e.g. ‘Stalin believed that the USSR would have to fight Germany in the future. The Pact gave him time to build up his military strength. Occupying part of Poland would also give Stalin a buffer between Germany and the USSR.’ 

 Level 2 Identifies AND/OR describes [2–3] (One mark for each point) e.g. ‘Hitler could invade Poland.’ ‘Hitler had avoided a war on two fronts.’ ‘It gave Hitler confidence.’ ‘Stalin would delay war with Hitler.’ ‘Stalin would gain part of Poland.’ ‘Stalin gained time to re-arm.’ ‘The Pact stated that they would not attack each other.’ 

Level 1 General answer lacking specific contextual knowledge [1] e.g. ‘It gave both sides a short term benefit.’ 

 Level 0 No evidence submitted or response does not address the question [0] 

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