Monday, December 26, 2016

J15P11 MSQn 12(c) How far were the Nazis in control of the German people between 1933 and 1945? Explain your answer.

Level 5 Explains with evaluation of ‘how far’ [10] As Level 4 plus evaluation. 

Level 4 Explanation of both sides [7–9] A L4 answer will have a minimum of three explanations (2 on one side; 1 on the other). This will be worth a mark of 7. Fuller explanation of one issue to be given two marks. An answer which only has one explanation on one side of the argument cannot be awarded more than 8. 

Level 3 One sided explanation OR [4–6] 
One explanation of both sides 5–6 marks 
More detailed explanation of one issue to be given two marks. e.g. 

‘The Nazis kept control of the German people through the use of the Gestapo. The Gestapo had powers to spy on ordinary citizens by tapping telephones, intercepting mail and using information from informers. Most ordinary Germans were simply too scared to say anything against Hitler and the Nazis.’ 

OR e.g. ‘The Nazis were not in control of all German people. The Kreisau Circle organised secret meetings to discuss how Germany would be governed after Hitler’s removal. Their members included aristocrats and army officers. They were prepared to risk their lives to hold opposition meetings.’ 

Level 2 Identifies AND/OR describes [2–3] 
(One mark for each point) e.g. 
‘Germans were controlled by the Gestapo.’ ‘The media was controlled.’ 
‘Judges had to take an oath of loyalty to Hitler.’ 
‘Propaganda ensured people were controlled.’ 
‘The Hitler Youth controlled young Germans.’ 
‘Employment ensured German people were controlled.’ 
‘The Nazis were not in control of the Edelweiss Pirates.’ 
‘Pastor Niemoller opposed Nazi policies.’ 
‘Members of the Swing movement were anti-Hitler.’ 
‘The Kreisau Circle organised secret discussion meetings.’ 

Level 1 General answer lacking specific contextual knowledge [1] e.g. ‘Most people were controlled, but not everyone.’ 

Level 0 No evidence submitted or response does not address the question [0]

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